ComplexSimplex Group
The Group of Complex Systems at the Chemical Biology Laboratory
of the National Institute of Chemical Physics & Biophysics, Tallinn
This the home page of the ComplexSimplex Group, a group of complex systems based at the Chemical Biology Laboratory of the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia.
Connecting Sciences. We study various systems using a complex systems approach to understand and connect the different processes and mechanisms underlying their emergent properties. You can find information about our activities in this site - feel free to contact us if you have any questions !
Language Dynamics
Our current research is focused on Language Dynamics with the project "Learning Processes in Language Dynamics" supported by the Estonian Research Council through grant PRG1059.
Marco Patriarca and Els Heinsalu, together with David Sanchez, have completed the editing of the Frontiers in Complex Systems Research Topic "Complexity in Language Variation and Change".
Here is the reference of the editorial: Els Heinsalu, Marco Patriarca, and David Sanchez, Frontiers in Complex Systems, Vol. 2 (2024) doi: 10.3389/fcpxs.2024.1497038
And here you can find the articles of the collection:
We will present soon a contribution at the International Meeting
"Fra Italia e Baltico Orientale: incontri culturali, traduttivi e linguistici", October 14-15, Tallinn University!
September 26th was the European Day of Languages. It was proclaimed by the Council of Europe on December 6th, 2001, with the goal to inform about the importance of language learning and diversity, increase pluri-lingualism and intercultural understanding, and promote linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe!
We are back from CCS2024, the Conference of Complex Systems 2024 (Exeter, England; September 2-6 2024).
It was a great conference and we are grateful to all the organizers, because we learned a lot, met new and old fantastic colleagues, and made 5 contributions:Vivian Dornelas, Celia Anteneodo, Els Heinsalu, Marco Patriarca, An extended Axelrod’s model of innovation spreading and emergence of linguistic diversity.
Renan O. Nunes, Vivian Dornelas, Marco Patriarca, Els Heinsalu, Exploring the dynamics of multiple language coexistence in real networks.
Mikhail Tamm, Els Heinsalu, Stefano Scialla, Marco Patriarca, Thresholds for learning language lead to a variety of stable states in bilingual societies.
Mikhail Tamm, Els Heinsalu, Stefano Scialla, Marco Patriarca, Can language learning be responsible for language coexistence?
Stefano Scialla, Marco Patriarca; Els Heinsalu, Marius Yamakou, Julyan Cartwright, Asymmetry in the distribution of unit properties is the key factor determining the efficiency of collective oscillations in FitzHugh-Nagumo networks.
Compℹ︎La 2024
At CCS2024 we organized the language complexity satellite COMPILA2024, which was a great success in terms of audience and level os contributions, for details see
The next Conference on Complex Systems will take place in Siena, check the updates at
A very beautiful and inspiring conference. Our contribution:
Marco Patriarca, Asymmetry in the distribution of unit properties is the key factor determining the efficiency of collective oscillations in FitzHugh-Nagumo networks.
Now you can follow us also on Bluesky!
New preprint on language dynamics available on line:
Mikhail V. Tamm, Els Heinsalu, Stefano Scialla, Marco Patriarca,
Learning thresholds lead to stable language coexistence,
submitted, arXiv:2406.14522
New paper on language dynamics online:
Language dynamics model with finite-range interactions influencing the diffusion of linguistic traits and human dispersal,
Clément Zankoc, Els Heinsalu, Marco Patriarca,
European Physical Journal B 97, 66 (2024)
Co-organization together with Yoshifumi Kawasaki (University of Tokyo, Japan) and David Sanchez (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems IFISC, Mallorca, Spain) of COMPILA 2023 - Complexity in Language Variation and Change, Friday, August 4 2023, a satellite meeting of StatPhy28 - 28th edition of the International Conference of Statistical Physics.
Co-organization together with David Sanchez (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems IFISC, Mallorca, Spain) of COMPILA2022, 20 October 2022, a satellite meeting of CCS2022, the 2022 Conference of Complex Systems, Palma de Mallorca.
Photo by Tom Podmore
In the News / Outreach. The new video by Physics World about our article "Physics of Language", by Marco Patriarca, Els Heinsalu, and David Sánchez, Physics World, 13 June 2023, is online with mentions to our works and an interview to our colleague Dr. Els Heinsalu !
And the corresponding printed article made it on the August 2023 cover page!
Dr. Marco Patriarca was interviewed by the Sicomoro Association at the yearly official conference of the Complex Systems Society CCS2022.
Dr. Els Heinsalu has spoken on the Estonian national TV channel about Complex Systems and our research on econophysics and languages! The interview was hosted by the scientific program "Curiosity Excellence Center" ("Uudishimu tippkeskus") and is available online!
June 5th, 2022. Dr. Els Heinsalu's interview at the Estonian national radio ( on movement ecology, plant and animal dispersal, and complex systems! The interview is online!
Estonian Physics Days (Füüsikapäevad) 2022: Dr. Els Heinsalu has spoken about our research work in language dynamics in the talk "Languages through the Lens of Complex Systems Theory", October 28-29, 2022, LI Füüsikapäevad,Nelijärve Puhkekeskus.